Tuesday, 4 August 2009


My very good friend asked me a few days ago why i stopped blogging...and i rambled a series of answers...but truly, cant say why....

I've been alright...life's different now, yes, i'm married now!..hmm, i might start blogging again..about married life....hmmm, maybe not...

Feels like i've lost the knack for penning my thoughts..

Just thought i'd drop a few lines for the few people who have not given up on me..

Big ups to the ladies (popular members of blogsville) that i met at my mate's grad party..i hope y'all have forgiven me for staying quiet and enigmatic (lame attempt at a joke)...wife dont know nothing bout blogsville and i wanted to keep it that way...those days of my life are nomore...the days of vague answers are over...

Peace and love



NaijaBabe said...

OMG you got married??
Congratulations...I wish you the best...and happy married life
Come back soon

LusciousRon said...

You are married now? Congrats! Hope you will keep blogging. Enjoy married life.

Tigeress said...

just when i was about to delete you from my roll.

Howz the Mrs me dear? I hope you're taking good care of her and vise versa.

The Activist said...

Congratulations on your wedding. I am sure there are lots of stuff you can still offer... come back fully and reclaim your space

LG said...

na so!!! congrats o'bros may ur union be blessed n blessed n blesseddddd (u nor go say *amen :-)

ibiluv said...

saw the pics
we'll be here when you find the need to once again put pen to paper..........

N.I.M.M.O said...

So really .. where art thou?

The Madam can't possibly be keeping you from blogging.

InCogNaija said...

Congrats dude!

Buttercup said...


Invisible said...

Look at me just updating that you got married. I guess I've been gone for so long. You no even tell me say you update sef. Nonxenxe.
I for one second the motion of sanctioning this blog. lol.

Chris Ogunlowo said...

I hope it's not too late to say this... Congrats.

P.E.T. Projects said...

How about you pick up your pen and start up a new blog that way even if the wifey finds it, there;ll be no trace of the past in it.

It can be about marriage or any other thing you decide.
I just think you're a good writter and have loads of things to share!